18th September 2024

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Keyworth Parish Council Serving the village of Keyworth

Tesco - Planning Meeting


News in brief: further to the item below, the Parish Council's Planning committee met this evening to formally consider the plans for a Tesco store on Selby Lane. After due discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the committee should object to the plans, and the Borough Council will be advised accordingly. The minutes of the meeting will appear on this website in due course. Please watch this space for news of further developments.

Tesco - Public Meeting

The public meeting held at the Village Hall on 2nd September was attended by 250/300 people. All but a small minority of those present were against the proposals for a Tesco store.

The Parish Council chairman, Tony Grice, stressed that, in addition to any other letters written or petitions signed, anyone with strong views for or against the proposals should, if they have not already done so, write [quoting application number 10/01333/OUT] to:

Development Control Manager, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Civic Centre, Pavilion Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5FE.

Email: developmentcontrol@rushcliffe.gov.uk

He added that lots of individual letters would carry much more weight than, for example, a petition with lots of signatures.

Linda Abbey, chairman of the Parish Council's Planning committee, pointed out that letters or emails to the Borough Council should focus on planning criteria. For for further guidance, click on the following link:


The next step, from the Parish Council's point of view, is for the Planning committee to formally consider the plans at its meeting on Monday, 6th September [7.30pm in the Centenary Lounge] and to submit its observations to the Borough Council.

The Parish Council is also monitoring the response to the survey which it set in motion by sending out forms with the September edition of the Keyworth News. If you have not already done so, please complete your form and return it to the Parish Council office by 15th September at the latest. If, by any chance, you did not receive a form, please contact the office as soon as possible.

Please keep any eye on this page for news of any further developments. For previous items relating to the Tesco proposal, click on the following link:


The Parish Council regrets that it cannot guarantee to respond individually to letters, emails or survey forms, but please rest assured that all comments received will be taken into account.

Previous items regarding the Tesco proposals (see homepage for more recent developments):

Tesco - Latest Developments


A planning application from Tesco, for a store on Selby Lane, has now been received by Rushcliffe Borough Council. Further details, including copies of the plans, can be found online via the following link (application number 10/01333/OUT):


Copies of the plans will also be available for inspection in the reception area at the Parish Council office during office hours (9.30am to 1.00pm on weekdays, excepting Tuesdays and Bank holidays) with effect from Monday, 16th August.

There will be a public meeting to discuss this issue at the Village Hall on Thursday, 2nd September between 7.30pm and 9.00pm, and the plans will then be formally considered by the Parish Council’s Planning committee at a meeting in the Centenary Lounge, starting at 7.30pm on Monday, 6th September. The Parish Council is also conducting a survey: forms will be distributed with the September edition of the Keyworth News, and should be completed and returned to the Parish Council office by 15th September at the latest. Although the results of the survey will not be known until after the Planning meeting, the Parish Council will still have time to forward the results on to the Borough Council.

We appreciate that these arrangements are at relatively short notice, but the Parish Council has to comply with the planning process as laid down by the Borough Council, and the timescale would have been tighter still if the Borough Council had not extended the 21 day consultation period by two weeks at the Parish Council’s request.

Whilst the Parish Council obviously needs to know what the residents of Keyworth feel about this issue, it is important to note that the Borough Council will have the final say, and residents are accordingly urged to write to the Borough Council (email: developmentcontrol@rushcliffe.gov.uk), clearly outlining their views for or against the proposals, in addition to attending the public meeting and completing the survey form.

Please keep any eye on this page for news of any further developments.

The Parish Council regrets that it cannot guarantee to respond individually to letters, emails or survey forms, but please rest assured that all comments received will be taken into account.

Tesco Store Proposals – Statement
from Keyworth Parish Council


We understand that a planning application from Tesco has now been received by Rushcliffe Borough Council. Further details can be obtained via the following link (application number 10/01333/OUT):


There will be a public meeting to discuss this issue at the Village Hall on Thursday, 2nd September at 7.30pm.

Please watch this space for further updates in the very near future.

17.54 Monday 26th July

It's our understanding that the planning application submitted by Tesco to Rushcliffe Borough Council for a development on Selby Lane is being viewed as invalid because it is not complete.

We will bring you any updates when, and if, the application is re-submitted.


Many residents will be aware of proposals for a Tesco store on the Wrights Garage site on Selby Lane, and may have attended the exhibition at Platt Lane on March 23rd and 24th.

Thank you to all who have written to the Parish Council outlining their views on these proposals. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to respond to letters and emails individually, but please rest assured that they have all been carefully noted.

The Parish Council shares the concerns of many residents regarding the short notice given for the exhibition at Platt Lane: the Parish Council itself only knew about it five days in advance and, whilst the display was subsequently transferred to the Village Hall, this was only for a short period and, again, at short notice.

The Parish Council will obviously have to consider any planning application on its merits at the appropriate time but, in the meantime, it will continue to monitor the views of residents.

In the event of a planning application being submitted, the plans will be available for inspection by the public. The Borough Council will have the final say in respect any planning application, but the Parish Council will be consulted, and will make its views known.

Please keep an eye on the Parish Council website for news of further developments and, if you haven’t done so already, please let us know what you think about this issue.

Tesco Proposals - Meetings

Further to the items below, the Parish Council will be considering developments at its meeting on April 12th. Members of the public are, as always, welcome to attend, but the ideal opportunity for residents to voice their opinions will be at the Annual Parish meeting on April 26th (both meetings will be in the Centenary Lounge, starting at 7.30pm). It's also possible that a public meeting will be arranged at a later date, when more is known about the proposals. Please watch out for further updates and, if you haven't done so already, please let us know what you think about this issue.

Tesco display moves to Village Hall


Further to the items below, the material which was on display at Platt Lane has now been transferred to the foyer of the Village Hall, where we hope it will remain until early April. The foyer is accessible during Council office hours (9.30am to 1.00pm on weekdays, except Tuesdays/Bank Holidays), and at other times when the Village Hall is in use (times vary - contact office for details) so, if you didn't make it to the exhibition at Platt Lane, please come along and have a look. The fact that the display is on Council premises should not be construed as an endorsement of Tesco's proposals, but we feel that it's important that as many people as possible have an opportunity to see what those proposals entail. Please let us know what you think by emailing:


Many thanks to those who have emailed us already. Unfortunately, it hasn't been possible to respond to all emails individually, but rest assured that your views will be carefully noted.

Tesco Store - Update


Having been invited at short notice to meet with representatives of Tesco, a number of Parish Councillors and a representative of the Village Plan Development group have taken part in an informal discussion regarding proposals for a store on the Wrights Garage site on Selby Lane. The Tesco representatives were left in no doubt that there is considerable opposition to the proposals at this stage, but asked everyone to keep an open mind pending further discussion and consultation.

In the event of a planning application, the Borough Council will have the final say, but the Parish Council will be consulted, and it will look at the proposals in greater detail as more information becomes available; it will also take careful note of the views of Keyworth residents.

If you possibly can, please go along to the public exhibition (details below), and let us know what you think. As pointed out before, we cannot guarantee to respond to letters and emails on this issue individually, but please rest assured that your views will be taken into consideration.

Public Exhibition - Plans for Tesco Store


The Parish Council has just received details of an exhibition outlining proposals for a Tesco store on the former Wrights Garage site on Selby Lane.

Click on the link below for further details.

The Parish Council would welcome your views on these proposals.

Please email neil@keyworthparishcouncil.org.

We cannot guarantee to respond to your emails individually, but please rest assured that your views will be taken into account.

Details of any further developments will be posted on this website as and when appropriate.