18th September 2024

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Keyworth Parish Council Serving the village of Keyworth

2012 Village Quiz starts in January

Make a note in your 2012 Diary for 7.30 on Monday 30th January, to go to the Village Hall for the first evening of next year's Village Quiz.

At the time of going to press, 25 teams have entered for next year's quiz, but there is still room for more teams to come along and join in the fun. The quiz is for teams of four, and you don't have to be a member of a Church, club or school – any four friends or four from a family can enter as a team, and thanks to your Parish Council, entry is absolutely free!

To enter, or to find out more about the event, call John on 9374833, or email to keyworthquiz@hotmail.co.uk or you can enter via the Keyworth Parish Council web site (click here).

The closing date for entries is 8th January, 2012, and the draw for the event will be held in the bar of the Village Hall on Monday 16th January at 7pm. All are welcome to attend the draw (if you get there early, you can make the draw) – but please make sure you go to the bar otherwise you may find yourself "giving up an armful" as the Blood Donors are in the Village Hall on that day! Details of the matches for the opening night will be on display around the village in the week before we start.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to all our supporters – and we look forward to seeing you on 30th January.