N.B. The items below have since been overtaken by events, and are accordingly for record purposes only.
Neighbourhood Plan
'Dalek' at Health Centre...
A touch screen kiosk, fondly known as the 'Dalek', is currently to be found in the main entrance at Keyworth Health Centre, and this is another means by which residents can make their views known to the Parish Council as part of the ongoing consultation regarding the Neighbourhood Plan.
For more details about the Neighbourhood Plan, see below.
Neighbourhood Area Consultation
The consultation will run from 18th July to 29th August.
Click here for details, including a map of the proposed area.
Neighbourhood Plan - Let us know what you think!
Please fill in our questionnaire and comments form by 31st August at the latest...
(Cllr Linda Abbey addresses the Parish Meeting)
(Display at Keyworth Show)
About fifty residents attended the Annual Parish Meeting on 30th April, along with Parish, Borough and County Councillors, and participated in a consultation exercise relating to the proposed Neighbourhood Plan which will entail 450 new homes in or around Keyworth by 2026 (see below for further details). There was also lots of interest in the display at the Keyworth Show on 14th July, and members of the Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan steering group were kept very busy answering questions.
If you haven't done so already, there's still time for you to let us know what you think about this issue:
- Firstly, please fill in our questionnaire by 31st August at the latest: for a copy, simply click on the link below; alternatively, you can obtain a hard copy from the Council office:
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire (MS Word, 87 Kb)
- Secondly, please click on the following link, and take a look at the map, which identifies nine possible sites (the numbered sites) for the new homes:
SHLAA Map (PDF, 4.8 Mb)
- Alternatively, you can call at the Council office to see a hard copy of the map, but, in any event, once you've studied it, please complete our comments form, which can be obtained from the office or by clicking on the link below:
Comments Form (MS Word, 39 Kb)
- Completed questionnaires and comments forms should be sent to the office by 31st August at the latest.
- Please note that we cannot undertake to acknowledge questionnaires or comments forms, or letters or emails about this issue, individually, but we can assure you that your views will be taken into account.