Activity Park on Rectory Field?
Continued from homepage
See below for details of what's happened previously
Previous items
(December 2014)
Activity park - funding setback
We understand that the Village Plan Group's bid for funding for an activity park on the Rectory field has been turned down. We understand that the Group is exploring other avenues, and we wish it well in its endeavours.
(August 2014)
Activity park - planning permission granted
Planning permission has been granted by Rushcliffe Borough Council for an activity park on the Rectory field, but subject to various conditions; see below for background details.
(June 2014)
Rectory field activity park proposals - planning application submitted
Rushcliffe Borough Council is currently considering a planning application in respect of the proposed activity park on the Rectory field. The application will also be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council's Planning committee on 23rd June (7.30pm in the Centenary Lounge), but it's important to bear in mind that the discussion will be strictly on the merits of the application in relation to planning criteria - not on the general pros and cons of the proposals, which have, of course, been discussed already (see Page 2). It's also important to bear in mind that Rushcliffe Borough Council will have the final say on the application, so comments from affected residents need to be directed to the Borough Council or local Borough Councillors.
(December 2013)
Site Plan approved
A site plan and equipment specifications were approved at an extraordinary meeting on 16th December, subject to:
- Planning approval.
- Approval by the Parochial Church Council.
- The Parish Council having the final say on exactly where on the Rectory field the activity park should be situated.
- Concerns regarding drainage to be addressed.
Click here for revised plan and other details. Turn to Page 2 for background details, and please watch this space for news of further developments in due course.
(September 2013)
Proposals get qualified approval from Parish Council
At its meeting on 30th September, the Parish Council resolved to grant permission for an activity park on the Rectory field subject to:
- Approval by the Parish Council of detailed plans and costings.
- All setup costs to be covered by outside funding, and written confirmation in advance of such funding.
- Approval by the Parochial Church Council.
- Approval by Keyworth Playing Fields Association (KPFA) if Parish Council/KPFA lease still in force.
- Planning permission from Rushcliffe Borough Council.
- Approval of a detailed and costed plan for management and maintenance.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC)'s consent is required under the terms of a covenant which runs with the land; it has already confirmed that it's not opposed in principle "if there is demonstrable overwhelming public support", but it would need further information and assurances before making a final decision (see below for further details). If you want to let the PCC know your views for or against, please write to: Keyworth Parish Church PCC c/o Churchwarden N.J. Seller;
The Parish Council/KPFA lease is in the process of being surrendered, and, once formalities are complete, there will be no need for KPFA approval.
The Parish Council is still receiving letters and emails about this issue, and we thank everyone who has written thus far. We cannot undertake to respond to letters and emails individually, but please rest assured that all will be drawn to the Parish Council's attention.
(September 2013)
- Some 150 people were at the Village Hall on 23rd September to hear Brian Lund and Clare Ridsdale, representing the Village Plan Development Group, make the case for an activity park on the Rectory Field.
- The Rev Jim Wellington confirmed that the Parochial Church Council, from which permission is required for any buildings or structures on the field, "is not opposed in principle to the development" although a final decision on whether to grant permission would be subject to various stipulations (click on the following link for further details).
Parochial Church Council re Activity Park (MS Word, 28 Kb)
- Permission would also be required from the Parish Council, and the chairman, Tony Grice, commented that, from the Council's point of view, it was not a question of whether Keyworth needed an activity park, but whether it should be on the Rectory field; he added that an alternative site had been offered by South Wolds Academy.
- Based on a show of hands at the end of the meeting, Cllr Grice concluded that an overwhelming majority of those present appeared to be in favour of an activity park, adding that the Parish Council would give the matter careful consideration.
(July 2013)
- Contrary to what may have been reported elsewhere, the Parish Council has not irrevocably rejected proposals for an activity park on the Rectory field. Indeed, it has called a public meeting (7.00pm on 23rd September in the Village Hall) at which residents will be given the opportunity to have their say on the proposals.
- Click on the link below to see the presentation (including site plan) submitted to the Council at the meeting on 8th July:
Activity Park Presentation (MS Powerpoint, 2.2 Mb)
- The Council is well aware of the demand for an activity park and, in April 2012, it agreed in principle to support the Village Plan Development Group in its efforts to establish one in the village; as the Council chairman, Tony Grice, said at the meeting in July [2013], the decision the Council needs to make is not whether Keyworth needs an activity park, but whether there should be one on the Rectory field.
- The Council would need to give careful consideration to the planning implications of the proposals: Rushcliffe Borough Council would have the final say on any planning application, but the Parish Council would be asked to comment, and the views of residents of nearby properties would need to be taken into account. The fact that the Rectory field is in Keyworth Conservation Area could also have a bearing, and the Council is also mindful that the proposed site is normally used for the Keyworth Show.
- Another factor which needs to be considered is the legal position: we are advised that the Rectory field is subject to a covenant which stipulates that permission would be required from the Church. We have enquired whether the Church would have any objection to the proposals, and we understand that the Church Council will be discussing the matter at a meeting in September.
- Finally, the Council was given to understand, in April 2012, that the activity park would be managed by a sub group of the Village Plan Development Group, but it became clear at the meeting in July that this is no longer likely to be the case, and the Parish Council is comparing notes with Rushcliffe Borough Council (which manages an activity park in West Bridgford) regarding the cost of managing such a facility, and of ongoing maintenance.
- Please watch this space for news of further developments. (N.B. We cannot undertake to acknowledge letters and emails about this issue individually, but please rest assured that all relevant correspondence will be taken into account.)