18th September 2024

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Keyworth Parish Council Serving the village of Keyworth

Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Responses (continued from homepage)

In addition, two further documents are available for inspection at the Parish Council Office during normal opening times.

  • The detailed comments from individual contributors can be inspected in the Summary of Consultation Responses document (135 pages).
  • Key comments on the Housing Policy sections 1 and 2 can be inspected in the Housing Policies H1 H2 Responses table (4 pages).

Amendments to the Draft Plan of a technical nature are underway. However, at the present time, no other amendments have been considered, as there is a need for supplementary consultation and clarification with some stakeholders before making further decisions.

A document with answers to 'frequently asked questions' will also be available on the website soon, so keep a look-out for that too.

Linda Abbey, Chairman of the Keyworth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Click here for previous Neighbourhood Plan items.