Cllr Tony Grice
I am married with two adult daughters. I have lived in Keyworth since 2003, but I have always lived south of the river and moving to Keyworth was the best move that we have ever made. My working life was spent as a Nottinghamshire Police Officer, but I am now retired.
I have been a member of Keyworth Parish Council since 2005 and served as Council chairman between May 2009 and May 2019. As chairman I had to lead the Council through the difficult problem of the war memorial and the decision to build a new one, also the question of the activity park. I have had to liaise with all the sports facilities when the KPFA lease ceased to exist and the Parish Council took over responsibility, as a result of which the Tennis Club, Table Tennis Club and Bowls Club have signed leases and become responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities they use, thus saving money for the council tax payers of Keyworth. I regularly meet with the local police to discuss any problems within the village.
I try my best to help residents who come to me with concerns, but I do not believe in promising something when I know something cannot be done; it is wrong to give people unrealistic expectations.
I take a great interest in all aspects of Parish Council business and do my best to represent the interests of Keyworth and its residents. I believe Keyworth faces challenges in the future which we must all work together and solve; however, I also believe Keyworth is a safe and great place to live in the midst of beautiful countryside.
Telephone: 0115 8460371 (not before 8.00am or after 9.30pm, please)