18th September 2024

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Keyworth Parish Council Serving the village of Keyworth

Cllr Chris Takel

I moved to Keyworth in 2012 from Camberley, Surrey where I was born and grew up. This is where I trained and worked as a helicopter engineer for 12 years before moving to Nottingham to work at East Midlands Airport.

I have two children, both at Crossdale primary, and it is them that has motivated me to take a Council place. Since our arrival in 2012, we have seen many changes and plenty of community spirit which has invited us all in to participate. I think the recent improvements from the play areas to the increase in dog bins has been amazing and I hope to help improve the village further where it is required.

Personally, I enjoy playing football a couple of times a week, but watch rugby and motorsport. I help coach my sons football team at Keyworth United, often acting as the teams referee at home matches. You will often find me walking the streets of Keyworth with my dog, Dexter on my way to the Rectory field. You can't miss us as Dexter usually goes out white and comes back covered in mud.

My contact details are email:- CllrChrisTakel@keyworthparishcouncil.org or Phone 07584 909 352.